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“Through my Lens –
What it's like to be a child in my neighborhood.”

Have you wondered what life today is like through the eyes of a child? Through my Lens shows the lives of 4th and 5th-grade students from Faison and Lincoln Elementary Schools through the lens of their own cameras to amplify their voices as key agents of change. Students learned to use photography and Photovoice methods to creatively share their experiences and leverage their stories to advocate for change. Can you see that not far in the distance these young voices of the future will become key agents in transforming our communities? Picture it!


The project culminated with students presenting their work to their families and the broader community in a gallery-style exhibit that was held in Homewood on Thursday, May 11, 2023. The event featured student presentations and dialogue with community leaders.


Currently, the exhibit is available to travel to additional locations. A schedule is included below. For more information about hosting a viewing, please contact the Bible Center Church office at




Lesson 1 - SELF

Lesson 2 – Community

Lesson 3 – How I see myself

in my community

Lesson 4 – Camera Orientation


Lesson 9 - Photo 5 and response/What do I like about my neighborhood?

Lesson 10 – Photo 6 and response/What do I want to see different in my neighborhood?

Lesson 11 – practice community showcase



Lessons 1-4


Lessons 5-8


Lessons 9-11


Lesson 12


Showcase Event


Lesson 5 - Photo 1 and Response/What do I like about my childhood?

Lesson 6 – Photo 2 and Response/What do I want to see different about my childhood?

Lesson 7 – Photo 3 and Response/What would I show people about my neighborhood?

Lesson 8 – Photo 4 and Response/What is it like to be a child in my neighborhood?


Lesson 12practice community showcase

Community Showcase Event – Thursday, May 11, 2023

See what we've been up to


May 24, 2023:     Westinghouse Academy / Pittsburgh Public Schools Family Night

June 2023:     St. Brendan's Episcopal Church, Franklin Park, PA

TBA:     Department of Human Services (DHS)


Memorial to the Lost.jpg

On Saturday, May 6th at Noon, we opened Homewood's Memorial to the Lost.

A short Gun Violence Memorial Service included prayer, statements from family members, and naming of local victims of gun violence. The memorial moves on to additional viewings at Shiloh Community Baptist Church and Baptist Temple through June 17, 2023.

A Community Effort – Thank You to our volunteer guides and experts

Eric Blackwell
Taylor Leeper 
Kelli Organ
Dr. Khirsten Scott 

Dr. Sheila Carter-Jones
Fran Quinlan
Mary Parish
Dr. Cynthia Wallace

India Harris
Talor Musil
Kristen Sabol
Dr. Michael Yonas

Through my Lens is part of The Maker’s Clubhouse’s three-pronged approach to violence prevention. We’re taking a two-generation approach to equipping both parents and students with tools to speak about violence occurring in the neighborhoods where they live, learn, and play. In addition to Through My Lens, students enrolled in The Maker’s Clubhouse’s after-school programs at Faison and Lincoln elementaries are learning tools to manage emotions. Parents and caregivers are invited to participate in cohort-based learning Parenting While Black which is a group intervention that provides parents with tools to both support their children's healthy development and their own wellness.


This project is supported in part by a grant from the City of Pittsburgh’s Stop the Violence Office.


7238 Fleury Way

Pittsburgh, PA 15204

(412) 242-4920


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The Maker's Clubhouse is the primary education program of The Oasis Project, the community outreach and economic development arm of Bible Center Church.  Our work focuses on education, employment, entrepreneurship, and improving the environment where people live, learn, work and worship.

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